IRAS affords provision of third-party assurance over the Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG)/Sustainability content within Integrated Annual Reports, in line with local and international best practice, including:
- Accountability’s AA1000AS Assurance Standard
- AccountAbility’s AA1000SES Stakeholder Engagement Standard
International Integrated Reporting Committee (IIRC)
Framework - UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- International Council on Metals & Mining (ICMM) Sustainable Development Framework
- Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Guidelines
- King Code of Corporate Governance (King IV)
- IRAS’s own Sustainability Data Transparency Index (SDTI)
Over the past 25 years, IRAS – and/or Michael H. Rea as a Lead Assurer with PWC, KPMG and SustainabilityServices.co.za (IRAS pre-2011) – has completed 100 assurance engagements to a wide array of local and international companies in over 20 countries across various industry sectors, inclusive of 160 site visits to test data systems and controls at operational facilities (for Group consolidation and report testing purposes).
- ESG/Sustainability Reports
- Climate Change Reports
- UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Annual Reports
- Corporate Social Investment (CSI)/Socioeconomic Development (SED) impact reports
- Integrated Annual Reports
- Social & Labour Plan (SLP) submissions to government
- Annual Social & Labour Plan (SLP) Annual Reports
Due to increasing demand for our services, IRAS has invested in the development of increased capacity to write more reports for clients. However, we continue to engage with a set of “Networked Associates” whose primary activity would be report authorship as/when needed.
Over the years, IRAS has acted as the GRI’s local partner in the development of SMME Annual Reports within the PUMA (global) supply chain, including for one company – Impahla Clothing – who, through our efforts identified the opportunity to become PUMA’s first Carbon Neutral Supplier in Africa (second in the world). This process was set about in an effort to find ways to reduce Impahla’s carbon footprint, but quickly turned into an incredible journey that IRAS was thrilled to have played a small part in.
- Evaluation of Carbon Credit projects to ensure alignment with the requirements of the SA Carbon Tax Act
- ESG Reporting Risk Assessments, including qualitative and quantitative benchmarking studies
- ESG Data Management Systems Development & Implementation
- CSI/SED Programme Identification, Selection and Implementation, based on a proprietary toolkit developed to apply quantitative modelling to maximise return on CSI/SED (in developmental terms)
- Development and authorship of key sustainability policies and procedures (Sustainability Management Framework, Human Rights Policy, Sustainable Sugar Production Policy, Sustainable Agri-Chemical Use Policy, Stakeholder Engagement Policy, etc.)
- CSI/SED Project Monitoring & Evaluation
- Materiality Determination Assessments (Including Material Issues Mapping Workshops)
- Stakeholder Engagement Planning
- External Assessments of Mine Community Resettlement, in accordance with IFC Performance Standard 5
Due to ensure maximum value add for our clients, IRAS engages the services of specialists within our pool of “Networked Associates” to offer complimentary skills on an as/when needed basis.
Having provided Tongaat Hulett with Group/Corporate support to the position of Group Sustainability Executive from June 2020 to June 2021, IRAS is willing to offer similar capacity and skills to a maximum of one company per annum on a part-time basis (maximum 50%). Based on the successes and achievements realised by Tongaat Hulett in overhauling their Group Sustainability management, we firmly believe we are well-placed to provide similar guidance to other large companies struggling to catch up to current and/or emerging trends in ESG/Sustainability management.

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